Planning meeting 21.10.2015

Present: Axel, Marie, Sandra and Toni

This meeting was an internal meeting and thus was not advertised on Transition Cambridge bulletin.

1. Edible Garden: We have been contacted by Yifan and discussed with Axel on how Cambridge Growing Spaces could help with the Edible Garden in Murray Edwards College.

We decided Growing Spaces will help promoting the garden by putting gardening session on our facebook page and sending them by email to the group.

TASKS: -Axel to send updates pictures to Sandra. Sandra to create a blog note about the Edible Garden and put it on the facebook group. Marie will post it in the student vegetarian and vegan facebook group.

– Marie to contact Takashi to exchange experiences in developing a community garden in a College and getting students being involved.


2. Rosie went to the workshop “Roots to success: a practical guide to support volunteer training in food growing groups”. It was a really inspiring workshop! Workshop material and other very useful links can be found here.


3. Spaces status

TASK: Toni to create a file with the updated list of spaces and their status (with the name of the current carers?)

– Would be good to couple carers and communicators for each space. TASK: Toni to contact each space carer and see what they think about it.


4. Communication

TASK: Sandra and Toni to meet to work on the leaflet. Sandra to send the new version of the leaflet to Toni. Marie to see with Hannah for the new Transition Cambridge leaflet.

It would be good to have business cards for Growing Spaces that we could give more easily than leaflets. TASK: Sandra to send an email for volunteer.

TASK: Sandra and/or Toni should find a time to meet Wolfgang and Vanessa for blog training and taking pictures/videos at spaces.


5. Volunteers needed

There is a lot of skills volunteers can offer to Growing Spaces but we don’t know what people would like to contribute (beyond feedback from some volunteers that they prefer outdoor work over more time at the computer 😉 ).
TASK: Sandra to ask how every of us is willing to help growing spaces (gardening skills, IT skills, communication skills, gardening tools, car or van..).


6. Special Growing Spaces meeting in December to discuss goals, objectives and ways of actions of Growing Spaces. TASK: Sandra or Toni to send email in the group to prepare the meeting: “What is Growing Spaces for you?”, “What do you want for Growing Spaces?”…


7. Other

-Gardening tool library: If you have any ideas for needed tools, contact Rebecca or Growing Spaces and we will pass it on.