Tasks: We are trying out a “buddy” system, where everyone with a task has a partner who checks in whether they have done the task or helps them do it. This is shown below with a “/”, e.g. “TASK Elsa/Ivan” means “Elsa will look into it, Ivan will follow it up eventually”.
If you see a task without a name behind it, or one with names that interests you too, or a trailing “/” you are very welcome to pipe up (admin@growingspaces.org) and lend a hand.
Present: Elsa, Ivan, Rosie T., Helen, Toni
Apologies: Sandra, Marie, Justine, Axel, Alba
1. Cake!
Hurray for many great things accomplished:
The Daily Bread space was set up in a day – looking gorgeous
Wycliffe Road mulching
The Nursery! and distribution of plants to spaces
MW Orchard planting: herbs, tomatoes, bay tree…
2. Current Spaces
See 1.
Space/nature viewing at Nightingale Park July 3/4; TASK Toni tell list DONE
new Wycliffe date TASK Justine/Axel DONE
Plants: Saturday nursery – to be posted on mailing-list TASK
Rosie T connect to Rosie L – TASK Toni/ DONE
Aldi: can the council water? Toni/Elsa
shift soilTASK Ivan/Toni/Helen DONE thanks Ivan!
3. Potential Spaces:
Coop Milton Road – 5/6m*1/2m space, wall at the back; store being refitted; community pioneer staff member. TASK Ivan/Rosie
Burleigh St planters – could council put some in? TASK:speak with council officers
Pallet gardens: Riverside; start with prototype; get approval from neighbours – leaflet for neighbours, meeting, webpage…
Could turn into: Making at events. vertical garden… Rosie/Ivan/Helen skillshare – reeconomise; put onto Project list
Barnwell: Keith mail – TASK Toni
River field: investigation, possible site visit Ivan/Helen/RosieT
Arbury Court — TASK Helen to approach/Toni
NW development: Elsa on list for Mark P TASK Toni/Elsa/Dawn
4. Admin
Leaflet; fix grammar, add thanks TASK Toni/Helen
Project list TASK Toni/
Task list TASK Toni/
UnLtd Funding – look for money TASK Toni/RosieT
Press releases: Daily Bread TASK
Meeting with council officers happened – waiting for followup
Sign templates for Aldi Toni/Elsa DONE
Beekeeping: Group could happen – contact existing keepers to GS them TASK
Permaculture convergence: TASK RosieT/Ivan to ask details of organisers; Early september
Vee site: charlotte contact to Helen TASK Toni/Helen
rebrand to include the “edible” in our name? Nice acronym possible?<\li>
5. IncredibleEdible Paris:
Marie will be visiting and asked for questions:
What do they do?
How many spaces do they have?
How many people?
Do they have funding?
Do they have a nursery? Where do they get their plants from?